

The Lost Civilization of Man

The Benefits of 963 Hz Frequency

Spirituality,963 Hz,Meditation,,

Did you know that solfeggio frequencies are the key to the universe and are used not only by the ancients but even today for healing purposes? Yes, while ancient people recognised that these sounds could have profound effects, modern research is just beginning to explore the possibilities. When you tune your mind and body to the frequencies of solfeggio, you can easily achieve a deeper sense of awakening and healing. These bring miracles in life and keep body, mind and even that consciousness we call soul in perfect harmony. The history of solfeggio frequencies goes back to the historical monks of Gregory. They used a series of musical sounds sung with different frequency tones during religious practices. They believed that these sounds detoxify the human body from various pollutants such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and electromagnetic toxins. So if you struggle with chronic pain, listening to solfeggio frequencies can help flush out toxins and negativity from your body. In the following, we discuss the benefits and importance of listening to 963 Hz solfeggio

Another and of course the last frequency of the main solfege frequencies is the frequency of 963 Hz, which is very important because of its ability to activate the pineal gland. This frequency is directly related to intuition and the crown chakra.

In ancient cultures, the crown chakra is referred to as the "bridge to the universe". Located at the top of the crown, this chakra serves as the center of the soul, enlightenment, wisdom, universal awareness, and connection to one's higher guidance. Here, the frequency of 963, which is known as the strongest frequency of solfege and is known as the frequency of the gods, can be the most important means to keep active and manifest the reality of the crown chakra. In other words, it can be said that this frequency is the most important factor in spiritual awakening and awareness of your true self.

The pineal gland, which is also known as the third eye, is located between the hemispheres of the brain and is responsible for the secretion and regulation of melatonin levels in the body. According to medical research, a greater percentage of the pineal gland of humans is stoned due to improper diet. Here, listening to music with a frequency of 963 Hz can activate this gland and prevent it from turning into stone, awakening your body system and increasing positive energy. In other words, it can help you stay protected from harmful frequencies. This frequency can also help you connect to cosmic energy through an active pineal gland, tapping into the life force that is everywhere. Therefore, listen to this music for at least 30 minutes every day, and if you do this while meditating, you will benefit from it more.

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